Our task is to create a predictor of the helpfulness of Yelp users based on a user’s past Yelp reviews and account history. This task is important because many reviewers on yelp are false accounts made to boost a business’ review score - this would help to filter out such accounts. In addition, Yelp could use the information to display the posts from the most helpful users near the top of reviews for a business or to create a “trusted reviews” section.
Current software packages that the team is using include the following:
We have divided our problem into 2 main approaches: inclusion of community provided attributes (votes from other users) and exclusion of such attributes. Exclusion allows investigating into a portion of the data untouched by the community - human provided information comes at an expense and can be difficult to obtain; being able to extract information without such need would prove to be of meaningful use.We deemed a concurrent investigation and comparison of the 2 would be interesting to pursue.
The output is user "usefulness" defined as a boolean true or false for being a useful user or not.
Defining usefulness of a user was the key aim to our task. We settled upon a normalised ratio between the number of ‘useful’ votes a user gained from their reviews against their total number of reviews. We then decided on a threshold to create a boolean ‘user_helpful’ value that we could use for binary classification.
However, we were given the impression that the threshold may skew our results in a certain direction. Hence we went the direction of producing multiple results of the same process, just using different thresholds to divide the data.
The team obtained data sets from the annual Yelp dataset challenge. The original user dataset consists of roughly 39,000 data points, the review dataset of over 1,500,000, and the business set of roughly 60,000. The user dataset was joined with the reviews and enterprise data sets to form a larger user dataset of one file. Natural Language Processing and insights made into attribute relationships throughout our iterations were used to produce additional custom attributes in an attempt to extract more information from the data collected.
However, we realised during our iterations that having a significantly low partition of ‘true’ or ‘false’ data points could skew our models. Hence, we went through further processing to make sure that we had the same number of ‘true’ and ‘false’ data points for each threshold test.
The overall training and validation set was then made by splitting the resulting threshold set into two equal parts. We felt having a roughly equal data set would give us statistically more stable results. Our resulting dataset size for threshold 1 was 19,000 (for both training and validation) and roughly 7000 for threshold 2.
ZeroR was used as a baseline for comparison. J48 was selected to see if there existed attributes of dominant information gain. Bayes Net was chosen to see if there existed causality relationships between attributes, with Naive Bayes used in conjunction for comparison. IBk was selected to see if there exists any general correlations in data.
As expected, the results from the “inclusive” set had higher accuracy (approx. 95% for each threshold) - the funny vote and cool votes indeed seemed tightly coupled with our target attribute. Decision trees (75%) and Bayes Net (68%) performed the best out of all the applied machine learning algorithms overall. J48 has a slight loss of about 4~8% on the validation set depending on the threshold, but seems to show that it was less of an overfit, which would be important for larger data sets.
Taking a closer look at the nodes the j48 trees would split on, interestingly, it seems that the number of stars of the business reviewed, as well as the number of the reviews the business had, was a factor on deciding user usefulness. The data seems to express that under similar user profile conditions, users were more likely to say that a review was helpful if the business being reviewed had a higher number of stars or if the business already had a large number of reviews.
The attribute which provided the highest information gain for decision tree algorithms using the inclusion set were related to other community-given votes. This supports the idea that useful votes is correlated with funny and cool votes. The decision tree results show very high accuracy for inclusion sets, but these results are lower in meaning due to the relationship between votes and our output attribute, which is based on one type of these votes.
For the exclusion set, the decision tree algorithms found highest information gain from age of user accounts and total reviews published. Users with comprehensive Yelp histories are deemed more trustworthy than “one-and-done” users.
In general the accuracies for threshold 2 were about 10% greater than in threshold 1 in the training sets. In the validation sets, the accuracies were about the same - thus suggesting the existence of a correlation regardless of threshold bounds. In terms of the validation set, j48 seemed to outdo BayesNet for the inclusion set (95% vs. 68%) while both the models rested closely against the 70% line for the exclusion set. The findings conclude a useful or significant relationship between the user provided votes and our desired output function, whereas the exclusion of user provided votes results in no significant attributes nor relationship. However, a correlation may be easily determined by a combination of attributes (ex. review count and reviewed business information) and latching upon their relative correlations.
From observation, Yelp seems to employ a custom algorithm to differentiate between good recommendations and bad. A comparison into this algorithm may prove to be of use and may inspire the generation of further possible attributes.
Natural Language Processing did not seem to yield sufficient results for our project - if there is more time, it might be interesting to scrape the websites of businesses and compare that with text information in the reviews. This may provide a useful dataset to construct an insight into ‘market speech’ - a classification we might be able to apply on the text data to filter out more accounts.
Finally, judging whether a user is helpful and judging whether a review is helpful are 2 facets of the ‘usefulness’ question that our group did not pursue to compare - it would be interesting if further work could be done in this direction.